Ridgely Mu’min

For Chairman of Terrell County Commissioners

Vote “Doc” Ridgely for Chairman of Terrell County Commissioners on November 3 2020.

“A change that you can drive through”


Why is “Doc” Ridgely running for office?

Since coming to Terrell County 25 years ago as the Manager of Muhammad Farms, we have suffered from the mismanagement of the dirt roads leading to our farm. The roads are maintained using motor graders driven by prison labor instead of hired professional machine operators. Me and my wife, Sister Anne, have repeatedly found ourselves stuck in ditches after large rain storms. I would have to walk through the mud to get a tractor from the farm to pull me or her out of the ditch.

I have repeatedly attended the County Commissioner’s meetings complaining over the conditions of our roads and even suggesting that they contact our neighboring county, Lee County, which does a much better job at maintaining their dirt roads. For 21 of those years the Chairman of the County Commissioners was Wilbur T. Gamble, Jr., one of the largest farmers and land owners in Terrell County. He repeatedly refused to make any substantial improvements. After retiring in 2016 his son, Wilbur T. Gamble III, ran unopposed and won. The roads maintenance did not improve and we continued to go to the Commissioners meetings along with other county citizens to complain. The gravity of the bad roads situation exploded in December of 2018 when record rainfall after Hurricane Michael made the majority of Terrell County’s 108 dirt roads impassable including the two that run through Muhammad Farms which are our only avenues to reach paved roads 3 miles away. I now realize that there is nothing I can do but either shut up and take it or run for the public position that has the authority and responsibility for maintaining the roads which our county property tax money ($21,000 per year) is collected to maintain. Therefore, I am running for the public position of Chairman of County Commissioners for Terrell County Georgia in the November 3, 2020 general elections.
The board of commissioners consists of 4 district members, 2 white and 2 black, with the Chairman, who is white, always able to block anything that the blacks wanted, if they could not get one of the other white commissioners to vote with them.
I need your help. I must get 300 people to sign this petition, so that my name can be put on the ballet. Give me a chance to make a “Change that you can drive thru.”

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Did Malcolm X Outgrow His Teacher?

Did Malcolm X Outgrow His Teacher?
By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad 12/13/23

“The Muslims in my opinion represent an all Black Party. And The Honorable Elijah Muhammad pointed out before 10,000 in Philadelphia on September the 29th at a rally that we were having, that in 1964 the Black people should ban together and do something about electing, selecting, electing representatives, Black representatives, politically, who have the rights and the best interests of the Black people at heart; that we should also unite together and sweep out of office all of the Black political puppets who are used by the white power structure to continue white supremacy in our communities.” (Malcolm X, 10/11/63: Interview at the University of California Berkley)

The above quote is taken from an interview that was done in October of 1963, before the assassination of President Kennedy and Malcolm’s subsequent famous “chickens coming home to roost” statement in December of 1963. The so-called “Autobiography of Malcolm X” (AMX) gives the impression that Malcolm X was outgrowing his teacher and it took a break from the confines of Nation of Islam’s dogma for the political genius of Malcolm to blossom into relevant political strategies to “overcome” the shackles of the American society. Malcolm’s own words blows this argument apart and shows the nefarious shenanigans of our open and sometimes hidden Enemy.
Alex Haley’s so-called “Autobiography of Malcolm X” (AMX) should serve as a warning to every prominent leader, that if you intend to write an AUTOBIOGRAPHY, be sure to live long enough to Check it before it is Published. This so-called “autobiography” is a glaring example of how even the words spoken by someone taken out of context and switched in terms of timing can be used to completely distort the relationship between “cause and effect” and give the impression that an innocent person had a motive to kill Malcolm, while hiding the hands of the real killers.
I first read this so-called “autobiography” when I was 15 years old and attending a white prep school on full scholarship in New England. The impression the book left with me was that The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad became jealous of Malcolm and had the Fruit of Islam (FOI) to assassinate him. Also, in the middle of this book I was awakened by the revelation that “the white man is the devil”, but by the end of the book I was left confused again to the nature of white people, their origin and motives as a people. Instead of understanding that they were a “race of devils” and therefore the solution of the race problem could only be solved by “separation”, I was left with the daunting and dangerous task of checking each white person one by one to see if they were harmless or poisonous.
From reading that book I was given the impression that Malcolm X was outgrowing The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam. After Alex Haley’s untimely death in 1992 right before the release of the movie “Malcolm X”, his belongings, including chapters of the “autobiography” that were not included in the book (published eight months after Malcolm’s death) were sold at auction. After these documents changed hands a few times over the years, they were finally made available to the general public in November of 2019 in the Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Book Division of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem, NYC.
The following analysis uses a portion of Missing Chapter 9 whose title was “The Negro” dictated by Malcolm to Haley in 1963 and the relevant section of Chapter 16: “Out” taken from the full 1992 edition of the “Autobiography of Malcolm X.” We have transcribed the full Missing Chapter 9 and can make that available to you. This missing chapter shows that if Malcolm had lived and this chapter was fully highlighted in a real autobiography, the breach between he and his teacher may have been mended and the subsequent loss of life which created disunity in the Black community for the past 58 years could have been avoided.
The timing and content of missing chapter 9 are significant for two reasons:
1. It was dictated in 1963 before Malcolm split from the Nation of Islam but portions of this chapter were placed at a later date in the so-called “autobiography”, namely 1964 after the split and
2. In the missing chapter 9 Malcolm gives full credit to The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad for the political strategy outlined, while in the words he supposedly said, which were placed in 1964 in his so-called “autobiography,” Malcolm did not mention his leader and the reader is given the distinct impression that Malcolm developed this strategy on his own after splitting from his teacher that he supposedly outgrew.

Missed Opportunity

1963 was a watershed moment in that the New York Times all of a sudden became very interested in Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam. At a later time, we will discuss the speech that Malcolm gave on June 23, 1963 at Rev. Adam Clayton Powel’s church in Harlem, NYC where Malcolm rocked a church filled with Black Christians on the idea of a “Black Revolution.” Malcolm had to pause numerous times for thunderous applause for one of his most anti-white “wolf” speeches, which must have made the hair on the backs of the “powers-that-be” stand straight up.
In that 25-minute speech Malcolm mentioned “The Honorable Elijah Muhammad” 29 times and “Separation” as the solution for America’s race problem 15 times. Right around the corner from Rev. Powell’s church was another rally being held by the more “meek and mild” civil rights leaders who were trying to respond to the uprising of Black people sparked by the murder of Medgar Evers in Mississippi in June of 1963. If the government had paid informants in both rallies, which of course they did, the idea of Black Christians accepting the direction and guidance of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad over other more moderate “Negroes” must have been a “call to arms” for the powers that ran America. In retrospect we now know more about how the FBI using COINTELPRO tactics went to work on causing the split between Malcolm and his teacher during that year.
This developing grass root movement coming from the Black masses was being fermented and lead by members of the Nation of Islam, and according to Malcolm himself in our recently discovered missing chapter 9, under the guidance of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Below we compare what Malcolm dictated in 1963 to Alex Haley before he left the Nation of Islam compared to what and where Haley placed those words and ideas in the finished book after Malcolm left.

First, we will compare who Malcolm felt was best qualified to lead Black America in 1963. In the missing chapter Malcolm over and over again said that the masses recognize the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as the leader that they trusted. However, in the book (AMX) Malcolm praised himself as the best leader for Black people and those statements were placed in a position of the book that would have placed them in the year 1964, after the split.
One could argue that Malcolm changed his mind after he split from the Nation of Islam, but why lie and make the reader think that he changed his mind before he actually changed his mind? The answer is that the Enemy was developing the idea of a philosophical split before it happened, because the Enemy was threatened by the united front among Black people that Elijah and Malcolm were developing as a team. If chapter 9 was actually put in the so-called “autobiography,” then the readers’ understanding of who wanted Malcolm killed would have shifted from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to the so-called Jews working in the media and within the FBI as they tracked down the Messiah.

Let’s go further.

In 1963 what was Elijah and Malcolm’s plan to utilize the energy from the brewing Black Revolution? According to Malcolm’s words in 1963 the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

introduced the idea of the “black bloc vote” in 1963 and not Malcolm by himself in 1964. The editors of this so-called “autobiography” decided to give Malcolm all of the credit while, in actuality, Malcolm gave the Honorable Elijah Muhammad all of the credit. So, they made Malcolm the genius and the Messenger the sourpuss as they were plotting all along on how to “kill two birds with one stone.”

Let’s go further.

Okay, it gets more interesting as Malcolm spells out the benefits of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s plan to utilize the “black bloc vote” to force the candidates to consider the “special interests of the black race”, if they wanted to get elected. The editors of this so-called “autobiography” almost lifted these same words verbatim from Malcolm’s interviews, but they carefully removed all references to The Messenger to further the idea of a split and Malcolm “going ahead” of The Messenger. However, Malcolm’s own words reflect that he was doing the bidding of The Messenger, not going ahead of him.
Instead, John F. Kennedy was killed on November 22, 1963 and Malcolm made that “chickens coming home to roost” misstatement in December of the same year. Just imagine what would have happened in 1964, if Kennedy had not been killed and Malcolm had not slipped? Where would Black people be today if this chain of events had not happened? So instead of us asking each other “Who killed Malcolm X?”, we would be benefiting from a political move that would have “changed our destiny, overnight.”

The Subtle Replacing of The Messenger with Malcolm

The goal of the writers and editors was to get close enough to Malcolm to determine the direction of The Messenger and how to pull Malcolm away from him. They planned to kill him, blame it on The Messenger then replace our Messiah with Malcolm and blame the death of their choice as the Messiah (our “Black Prince”), on the real Messiah (The Messenger). An indication of their intent was how they systematically brought the light of The Messenger down and increased the light of Malcolm.
The table below is an analysis of how many times Malcolm referred to The Messenger as the “Honorable Elijah Muhammad” in the Missing Chapter 9 and how he is referred to in the published so-called “autobiography”. We see that when Malcolm spoke of The Messenger, he called him the “Honorable Elijah Muhammad” most all of the time. In fact, he did it 21 times in the missing chapter and NEVER called him “Mr. Muhammad.” However, in chapter 16 in the so-called “autobiography” (AMX) they call the Messenger the “Honorable Elijah Muhammad” one time while calling him “Mr. Muhammad” 79 times. When we look at the entire book, we see that the author and editors referred to The Messenger as the “Honorable Elijah Muhammad” only 32 times in 160,974 words, yet call him “Mr. Muhammad” 297 times.

“Islam is Mathematics and Mathematics is Islam.”

When we compare the 5,144 words in the missing Chapter 9 to the number of times Malcolm used the “Honorable Elijah Muhammad”, we see that he used this term once every 245 words. However, the author and editors only used the term the “Honorable Elijah Muhammad” once in every 11,947 words in chapter 16 and in the entire book of 160,974 words, only once every 5,030 words. They decided to remove the honor-ability of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and replace him with his student, Malcolm X. Their trick worked up to now, but now they have been exposed as the ones behind the murder of Malcolm X and the robbery of a people of their chances for Unity.
However, these so-called Jews have convinced many in the world that they are God’s Chosen People and the friend of Black people in America. But they are not “Chosen” and they are not our friends. They have stolen our Identity and almost stole our inheritance. They exposed themselves by making a false image of Malcolm which they raise up periodically to destroy the love of God’s people for their Messiah, now the Exalted Christ, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his servant, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

1963 The Black Revolution that should have been


1. February 1-10, 1963 SNCC and Dick Gregory headed a 10 day “GIVE FOOD for FREEDOM in Mississippi!” campaign to break the Greenwood Food Blockade set up by the Laflore County Mississippi Board of Supervisors to starve Blacks who planned to register to vote. Blacks broke the blockade.

2. June 12, 1963 midnight murder of NAACP Mississippi state secretary Medgar Evers.

3. June 23, 1963 Malcolm x “The Black Revolution” Abyssinian Baptist Church, Harlem, NY where Malcolm lit the house up.

4. July 31, 1963 Malcolm wrote to Martin Luther King expressing his concern that ‘the racial powder keg’ in the country would soon explode and invited Martin to speak at the Harlem Unity Rally in August.

5. August 10, 1963. Harlem Unity Rally: Malcolm spoke for nearly two hours at one of the largest civil rights gatherings to that date. Martin did not attend.

6. AUGUST 21, 1963 Malcolm’s mother was “TRANSFERRED FROM VAN DEUSEN HOSPITAL TO SOUTHERWESTERN MICHINGAN TUPERCULOSIS SANITARIUM.” Her family had petitioned for her release for years which were all denied until this sudden transfer. Hilda (Malcolm’s sister) felt that her brother’s continued ‘notoriety’ had something to do with the abrupt discharge.

7. August 28, 1963. March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

8. September 15, 1963 bombing of Birmingham’s Sixteenth Street Baptist Church

9. September 29, 1963 Elijah announces political plan to influence the 1964 national elections in front of  10,000 in Philly.

10. October 11, 1963 Malcolm’s UC Berkley interview acknowledged The Messenger for developing a political strategy for the 1964 national elections. Malcolm was a felon and could not run for any national office.

11. November 5, 1963 Malcolm and his brothers again requested the release of their mother.

12. November 12, 1963, after twenty-four years, six months and twenty days as a compulsory patient at Kalamazoo State Hospital, Louise Little was released to stay with her family.

13. November 22, 1963 President Kennedy was assassinated

14. December 4, 1963 Malcolm made his infamous comment about ‘chickens coming home to roost’ and all hell broke loose.

15. 1964 The Nation of Islam did not get involved with the 1964 national elections.

Does Israel Want the Gaza Strip?

Does Israel want the Gaza Strip?

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad   (2/6/24)

Unsurprisingly, Stuart Seldowitz, the former National Security Council official has reached a plea deal on hate crime charges after going on racist, anti-Palestinian and Islamophobic rants against a food cart vendor in New York in November of 2023. Stuart Seldowitz, 64, pleaded not guilty in November to two counts of fourth-degree hate crime/stalking and one count of second-degree aggravated harassment. On Thursday, January 26th Seldowitz reached a plea deal with authorities, allowing for the charges to be dismissed so long as he attends a 26-week anti-bias training program and avoids arrests or interacting with the victims. (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/ex-obama-official-stuart-seldowitz-gets-plea-deal-in-nyc-hate-crime-case/ar-BB1h05h8)

An “anti-bias training program” might help change an ignorant man, unfamiliar with Islamic culture, but this man was a State Department employee holding high-level positions in five administrations including:

1. Senior Political Officer in the US State Department’s Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs from1999 to 2003.

2.  Director for European Affairs at the National Security Council, advising President Barack Obama on matters related to the Balkans, Turkey, Cyprus, and the Caucasus from 2009 to 2017. (https://www.ngnews247.com/stuart-seldowitz-biography-age-height-parents-wife-children-net-worth/)

Why would such an intelligent and powerful man take the time to harass a food cart vendor in Manhattan? Here is some of the “hate speech” that Seldowitz hurled at the unsuspecting food vendor that we transcribed from the video posted on YouTube in November of 2023 which has had 483,000 views thus far: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMETBHPP0KY)

“Did you rape your daughter like Muhammad did? Did you rape your daughter like Muhammad?” “Because your Muhammad was a rapist. It says in the hadith, your holy book…Muhammad, your prophet…he was a rapist. He raped Aisha. It says that in the hadith. Does it say that in the hadith or not? Do you know that?…What do you speak? Do you speak Arabic, the language of the Koran? The Holy Koran, that some people use as a toilet? What do you think of that, people who use the Koran as a toilet? Does it bother you? Does it bother you? Tell me the truth. …When they deport you back to Egypt and the paparazzi wants to interview you for being…”

          We must assume that what is revealed by his speech reflects the ideas of his heart as he was developing national foreign policy in 5 administrations. His attitude and his ideas expose the “deep state” takeover of the American government that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has been warning the American people about for decades.

          The Jewish dominated press continues to claim that Minister Farrakhan called Judaism a gutter religion, which he never did. And he has defended the Jewish prophets against the slanderous tongues of the writers of the Bible. He never said anything ugly about the prophets of Judaism in stark contrast to Stuart Seldowitz’s claims that Prophet Muhammad, May the Peace of Allah be upon him, raped his daughter. This is outrageous and slanderous and it is an outright lie.

          There is no record of him being charged or accused of raping anyone. There is no such Hadith that even closely alludes to this outright lie from Seldowitz’s lips.

On the other hand, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan defends the righteousness of Lot and all the prophets of the Bible as his teacher did:

“The Bible charges all of its Great Prophets with evil, it makes God guilty of an act of adultery by charging Him with being the father of Mary’s baby (Jesus), again it charges Noah and Lot with drunkenness, and Lot with getting children by his daughter. What a Poison Book. (Message to the Black Man, p.95)

          But Seldowitz is definitely trying to provoke the helpless food vendor by not only slandering the prophet of Islam, but alluding to the Holy Qur’an being used “as a toilet.” You can’t get more low down and dirty than that.      

          This same man gives us a look into his thinking in an interview on October 14, 2023 on the Israel-Hamas war in an hour-long right-wing podcast by Amy Peikoff. (https://www.bitchute.com/video/RWYz2WV6un7U/) This interview was a week after the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel and a full month before his verbal attack on the food vendor in November of 2023.  He starts off by describing how and why Hamas was set up: 

“Hamas was actually begun in the 1980s. It was begun to some extent with support of the government in Israel, ironically enough, because they thought that a religious based organization would weaken the PLO which they viewed was their main enemy.”     

          So, Israel set Hamas up to go against the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) which became the PA (Palestinian Authority). And then he goes further in explaining Israel’s strategy:

“The thought was that a group of people who based their political philosophy on the Koran and religion and so on would be more honest than the guys that were running the PA…”

          So, mind you that this man that maligned the Islamic religion and its prophet was paid by the U.S. government to help set foreign policy. America was on the side of Israel, whose thinking was that those who based their “political philosophy on the Koran”, would be more easily manipulated and tricked than the more secular Palestinian Authority.

          He goes further to explain why Hamas chose to strike Israel on October 7th: “Why now? First of all, they have been training for this for probably over 2 years, best we could tell.”

          Is there any evidence that Israeli intelligence knew far in advance that Hamas was preparing to attack Israel on October 7th, the same way that American intelligence knew in advance of an attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11? The New York Times reported on November 20, 2023, “Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago.”

(https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html) The Times’ article also reported that Israeli commanders ignored long-ago warnings of the militants’ plot, down to the details of what they would do and how they would do it.

          Now the New York Times has recently reported that many of the munitions and materials for bombs and missiles actually came from Israel. However, the Times’ article tries to make us believe that these weapons and bomb materials were just left over from previous attacks by Israel in Gaza and were just bombs or munitions that did not explode, “Where Is Hamas Getting Its Weapons? Increasingly, From Israel.(https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/28/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-weapons-rockets.html)

          Now on the issue of where Hamas is getting its money to support its military agenda, Seldowitz opines:

“By the way Hamas also receives assistance, not as much, from the government of Qatar and from the government of Turkey which is an additional ally and plays a very sophisticated game of how to be on both sides of many issues at the same time.”

          Recently, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has admitted that he struck a deal with Qatar to allow them to sneak millions of dollars into Gaza, even though some of his military leaders were in opposition. In fact, one of them was reported to have resigned over this issue.( https://vnexplorer.net/israel-sent-suitcases-of-cash-into-gaza-for-years-despite-concerns-about-funding-hamas-s395705.html)

In this same interview Seldowitz emphatically said:

“Gaza is surrounded on two sides by Israel, one side by the Mediterranean and one side by Egypt. Egypt wants no part of Gaza, ever. They want no part of Gazans, not just the territory. And so, what comes after, the one thing that Israel does not want to do. It does not want to stay there and reestablish its occupation and run Gaza.”

Well, Netanyahu’s Likud Party in Israel just had a big rally and party on January 29, 2024 celebrating how they will resettle Gaza after their successful war to eliminate Hamas, “Cabinet members call to resettle Gaza, encourage Gazans to leave, at jubilant conference” (https://www.timesofisrael.com/12-ministers-call-to-resettle-gaza-encourage-gazans-to-leave-at-jubilant-conference/)

         There is evidence that points to why Israel wants Gaza:                                                                                                                   

“In 1999, British Gas (BG) discovered the existence of natural gas in the Gaza Marine fields, 20 nautical miles off the coast of Gaza, at a depth of 610 meters below the surface. Further exploration by BG through two successful wells — Gaza Marine 1 and Gaza Marine 2 — determined the field could contain up to 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas…”   (https://iacenter.org/2023/11/15/behind-israels-end-game-for-gaza-theft-of-offshore-gas-reserves/)

                 After Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal in 1956 and closed it in 1967 during the “Six Day War”, Israel planned a new canal which they could control:

“The Ben Gurion Canal project was a proposal in the 1960s by Israel to connect the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea through the southern end of the Gulf of Aqaba… The US had once proposed to use some 520 nuclear bombs on the Negev Desert (Naqab) to help create the canal. With Gaza razed to the ground, there have been alleged plans to literally cut corners and reduce costs by diverting the canal straight through the middle of the Palestinian enclave.” (https://www.newarab.com/news/what-israels-ben-gurion-canal-plan-and-why-gaza-matters)

Follow the money and connect the dots. Israel covets that Gaza spot.

Just Say No to Satan’s Shots

“The government put a great hit on us in a vaccine”
By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad (3/7/24)
“The government put a great hit on us in a vaccine and my voice was the voice that told you ‘Don’t take it! Don’t take it!’ They’re trying to kill us softly with a vaccine. Four years ago, we were right here in Detroit and many of us got sick. And that same thing is happening now in Chicago, in Detroit, a blending of the virus, a blending of the flu vaccine, a blending of other things to make it more deadly. Many of our people died. And they promoted this vaccine. They came to Black people and said ‘A jab for a joint.’ They tried to give you drugs, because you love drugs but you are not wise to comfort yourself and your family and care for your lives properly. But I was on the wall talking to the world, ‘Don’t take the vaccine!’ Am I proven right? Here is what you’ve got to understand, somebody stood up for you when you were ignorant and could not stand up for yourself. But we went out and your president said he was getting tired of us ‘because nothing was wrong with the vaccine.’ Is that right? But now they are finding all kinds of things in the bloodstream of those who took that vaccine.” (Minister Farrakhan’s Saviours’ Day Address, 2/25/24)

To back Minister Farrakhan up, we find that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was fully aware that these new so-called vaccines would have serious consequences, yet they pushed them anyway. Dr. Vladamir Zelenko, one of the first doctors in the world to successfully use repurposed drugs to fight COVID-19 in his patients stated:
“In October, 2020, two months before the vaccine rollout, there was an internal presentation in the FDA to its scientists, and on slide 16 of that presentation, there was a list of side effects: death, heart attack, stroke, blood clots, horrific neurological diseases, myocarditis and many, many more,” Zelenko says.
“Now keep in mind, this is two months prior to the rollout. After the vaccines were rolled out, and a few months into it, when the VAERS database started showing the side effects that people were experiencing, there’s a 100% correlation with what that slide said would happen, and what actually happened to human beings.
That is premeditated mass murder. FDA knew exactly what it was doing. They knew exactly the side effects, and they released it anyway …”
The people of America and the world were bombarded with the dangers of this COVID-19 “pandemic” and herded to vaccination stations to be shot up with a set of experimental gene altering inoculations masquerading as “vaccines.” But since the rollout of these “gene therapies”, insurance companies have measured a 40% increase in deaths in 2021 which can be attributed to these “vaccines.” Embalmers are pulling out large strange blood clots from the veins of dead people which Dr. Ryan Cole (clinical pathologist) is 90% sure were caused by these death shots. The FDA has gotten caught trying to hide the safety data on the Pfizer “vaccine” from the public for 75 years. The CDC has been caught hiding data on the real number of people dying from these COVID shots. A complaint of crimes against humanity was filed on December 6, 2021 at the International Criminal Court in the Hague for the human suffering caused by these draconian and unlawful government mandates and restrictions in response to this COVID-19 “pandemic.” The largest international criminal investigation in the history of the world is now targeting the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity.
One of the major concerns with the mRNA gene-altering shots is that they appear to cause damage to the heart muscle and lining which could lead to heart attacks. World-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, along with structural biologist Dr. Panagis Polykretis, penned a letter to the editor of the Scandinavian Journal of Immunology in November of 2022 which stated: “From January 2021 to the time of writing, 1598 athletes suffered cardiac arrest, 1101 of which had a deadly outcome.” This is compared to 29 athletes dying per year over a 38-year period from 1966 to 2004. And, the authors add, “Since the end of 2021 and throughout 2022, young age excess mortality has substantially increased in many European countries, in concert with the vaccine program.”
On January 12, 2024 Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) held a historic US Congressional Panel to learn why COVID-19 vaccination continues to cause record injuries, disabilities, and deaths, even years after the primary series in 2021. Government attendees include Greene (R-GA), Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), US Representatives Warren Davidson (R-Ohio), and Andy Biggs (R-AZ). The expert witnesses responded to two hours of nonstop questions from the lawmakers.
Dr. Peter McCullough offered opening remarks:
“We are 4 years into this and this is the first time that the US House of Representatives has heard from doctors who are directly treating patients with both Covid-19 and the vaccine injuries. That’s 4 years too late and a very important lesson learned!”
Dr. Kirk Milhoan (pediatrics, pediatric cardiology) opened by remarking:
“When we see these patients regardless of how they’ve been injured, we need to bring the loving and compassionate care to bear on these people who have been injured and we have to find a way to treat them. We can’t just let them… there are too many of them as Dr. McCullough pointed out.”
Majorie Taylor Greene addressed Dr. Cole about the embalmer reports of blood clots and what he is seeing in the cells and tissues related to Covid-19 and the vaccines. Dr. Cole explained that these unusual clots are caused by these gene therapy injections which travel to all parts of the body including the brain, telling your cells to produce the “spike protein.” He stated, “Human cells are not meant to make foreign proteins, so with these products, our immune system goes on high alert and starts to attack. This inflammatory response causes clots to form and problems throughout the body’s organs including cardiological, autoimmune, and neurological harms. An Italian study of 19,000 patients showed 30% of recipients had harms… It’s like the perfect poison protein.”
On July 4, 2020 Minister Farrakhan “was on the wall talking to the world, ‘Don’t take the vaccine!’” Many African leaders responded to his warning by keeping these kill shots away from their people. It is estimated that only 6% of the African population took these shots. But African leaders went a step further to ensure the safety of their people from future “fake pandemics” declared by the World Health Organization (WHO). They knew that the enemy was not finished with their depopulation plans using “fake vaccines.”
Forty-seven (47) African countries on May 24, 2022, acted as a united front to block amendments submitted by President Joe Biden to the WHO which would allow it to override the power of individual countries to respond to a “pandemic” declared by the WHO. Later U.S. Senator Ron Johnson on May 27, 2022, and again on February 28, 2023, introduced the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act.”
According to Senator Johnson’s government website, “The WHO, along with our federal health agencies, failed miserably in their response to COVID-19. This failure should not be rewarded with a new international treaty that would increase the WHO’s power at the expense of American sovereignty. I’m proud to reintroduce legislation to hold the WHO accountable for their failures and increase transparency for the American people. The sovereignty of the United States is not negotiable.”
So, Minister Farrakhan called it right at Saviours’ Day 2024, “The government put a great hit on us in a vaccine…” Thank you, Minister Farrakhan for standing up for us and blocking that hit.

Lies to drive people to the COVID-19 Vaccines

Lies to drive people to the COVID-19 Vaccines

Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min (Final draft 6/23/21)

We are constantly bombarded by the government and media that Black people should take these so-called vaccines, because America “cares about Black people”. According to CDC data about 45% of white Americans have taken at least one dose of a COVID-19 “vaccine”, while 32% of Blacks have taken at least one shot. (https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-race-ethnicity/)

There could be very good reasons why 55% American whites and 68% of blacks have not taken these shots. For one, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan told the world on July 4, 2020, “We will not accept your vaccine…” And after a year of these COVID-19 scare tactics, we can now look back on events that lead us to the conclusion that much of it was orchestrated to herd Black people in America and Africa to take these experimental gene therapy “operating systems” disguised as “vaccines” against COVID-19. They misdiagnosed us; improperly treated us; purposely miscounted us; lied to us and now hide the damage that their “vaccines” are doing to us.

Scott Jensen, M.D. from Minnesota pointed out back in April of 2020 on how hospitals are reimbursed for pneumonia patients by Medicare. He said, “Because if it’s a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for – if they’re Medicare – typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000. But if it’s COVID-19 pneumonia, then it’s $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000.”


So we see that there are possible incentives for hospitals to misdiagnose pneumonia patients as “COVID-19 pneumonia” and then put them on ventilators forgoing other treatments or remedies. In the very beginning of the outbreak doctors and nurses in April of 2020 were concerned that putting COVID-19 patients on ventilators too soon could cause more harm than good. In fact later studies showed that their concerns were well founded.

An April 22, 2020 article, “Study: Most N.Y. COVID Patients on Ventilators Died”, reported that “The study included the health records of 5,700 COVID-19 patients hospitalized between March 1 and April 4 at facilities overseen by Northwell Health, New York State’s largest health system.

Among the 2,634 patients for whom outcomes were known, the overall death rate was 21%, but it rose to 88% for those who received mechanical ventilation…”


Even the Wall Street Journal reported in a December 20, 2020 article, “Hospitals Retreat From Early Covid Treatment and Return to Basics” that patients were put on ventilators to protect healthcare workers, not patients, by intubating sick patients with invasive ventilators. Dr. Theodore Iwashyna, a critical-care physician at University of Michigan and Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals in Ann Arbor, Mich., admitted that at the time doctors and nurses feared the virus would spread through hospitals. “We were intubating sick patients very early. Not for the patients’ benefit, but in order to control the epidemic and to save other patients,” Dr. Iwashyna said “That felt awful.”


So, was the high death rate among Black patients due to preexisting health conditions alone or were they killed by prematurely placing them on deadly ventilators? Therefore, many of these deaths werea caused by improper treatments and not just the virus. And we now know that other treatments were available, but were being withheld from patients and that is criminal. Now let’s move on to how the CDC has counted the deaths, possibly lumping a lot of deaths under COVID-19 disregarding the other deadly illnesses that the patients already had.

MPR.com in an April 7m 2020 article entitled “COVID-19 death certificate change stirs controversy” stated:

“Last week, the National Vital Statistics System, which is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provided new guidance for those who submit death certificates. It said they should list coronavirus if it was assumed to cause or contribute to a death.”

However, there needs to be a clear distinction between dying from coronavirus and dying with it. I could die from a gunshot wound to the heart and also have a cold, but the cold didn’t kill me.

Minnesota state Sen. Jim Abeler, a prominent lawmaker on health matters in the Legislature, said there should be precision when assigning a cause of death:

“I don’t think the death certificate is a ‘maybe’ document. There shouldn’t be assumptions on there,” Abeler said in a phone interview Tuesday. “It should be the best available information. It should be with the highest degree of certainty. The minute we put assumptions and maybes on the death certificate, we now have a certificate that is meaningless and it’s an opinion document.”

So what do the endless CDC publications of deaths rate due to COVID-19 mean when the deaths certificates that are reported to them are only “assumptions” and there are no autopsies done?

Let’s move on to the question of the high rates of COVID-19 cases vs the disappearance of the seasonal flu outbreak for the 2020-21 flu season. According to Johns Hopkins University daily COVID-19 “Mortality Analysis” as of June 21, 2021 there 33,541,887 cases and 601,824 deaths.

According to a February 14, 2021 NPR report, “Where Did The Flu Go? Homebound Kids Shape A Mild Season”, the flu was almost non-existent for the 2020-21 flu season. It states: “However, the seasonal flu which during the 2019-2020 flu season, some 400,000 people were hospitalized for the flu, with 22,000 deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Last week — just ahead of the season’s usual peak — the CDC had recorded just 165 flu-related hospitalizations since October.”


They attribute the reduced flu numbers to people wearing masks and exercising social distancing, but how can such activities stop the flu virus but not COVID-19 virus?

Now according the CDC the common flu and COVID-19 have such similar symptoms that the only way to know if you have COVID-19 or the flu is to be tested for COVID-19. Is it possible that the tests are confusing the now missing flu viruses with COVID-19? Is the seasonal flu a victim of COVID-19 identity theft?

Now since these so-called vaccines have been stuck in people’s arms, a number of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported. People can report adverse reactions to the CDC which is cataloged in their Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) running list. However, some estimate that only 1% to 10% of the adverse events are actually reported. This figure may be low-balling the actual numbers according to eyewitness testimony of a whistle blower at Methodist Memorial Hospital in Houston, Texas.

Jennefer Bridges, RN, reported to Del Bigtree on thehighwire.com on June 3, 2021 that:

“Methodist doesn’t want any of this to go against their agenda…And I’ve actually been in contact with someone in the hospital system that deals with the charting and the finalization of people’s charts. And they want to be anonymous, of course because they are scared. But they have told me that officially Methodist has told them do not list any adverse reactions on anybody’s chart related to the vaccine.”

How many other hospitals nationwide are purposely under counting adverse reactions? Hospital administrators and the CDC are forcing professional healthcare workers and doctors to lie. Minister Farrakhan on July 4, 2020 in “The Criterion” warned us, “I say to my brothers and sisters in Africa, if they come up with a vaccine be careful. Don’t let them vaccinate you with their history of treachery through vaccines, through medication.” Through this whole “pandemic” we have seen nothing but “treachery” and have been told lies on top of lies.

A “miracle drug” can help COVID-19 victims and vaccine recipients

A “miracle drug” can help COVID-19 victims and vaccine recipients

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad (Final draft 7/8/21)

What if I told you that there is a drug to fight COVID-19 that is highly safe, widely available, has a low cost and has had extraordinary success on this particular virus? What if I told you that this drug, although first developed to fight other diseases, was touted as a possible “miracle drug” against COVID-19 back in April of 2020? What if I told you that this drug was on Minister Farrakhan’s 7/4/20 “The Criterion” list of 14 therapies and treatments for COVID-19? What if I told you that its discoverers were awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine, and it is already included on the WHO’s World’s List of Essential Medicines? What if I told you that this drug has already been approved for humans by the FDA. Is this a modern repeat of the Tuskegee Experiment where we were not treated with known cures for a disease? What if I told you that not only this drug can help those attacked by the COVID-19 virus, but could be a lifeline for those who now regret taking these deadly “vaccines”? Wouldn’t you be interested? But governmental agencies and mass media are hiding it from the public. They are more interested in helping the drug companies get richer, not you getting better.

A soil-dwelling bacterium was discovered in the soil of Japan in 1974 called ivermectin which destroys roundworm parasites that cause river blindness in millions of people in tropical areas. Drugs produced from ivermectin were patented and made by Merck & Co, Inc, and its discoverer, Dr. William C. Campbell, was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine.

Ivermectin is no longer patented by Merck and now 95% of this drug is being produced by other pharmaceutical companies. Now along comes COVID-19 and Merck is downplaying the effectiveness of this drug that is now out of patent, as they try to get emergency use authorization (EUA) for their new patented drug against COVID-19. (https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/merck-says-us-govt-buy-about-17-mln-courses-cos-covid-19-drug-2021-06-09/)

On the other hand, doctors who knew what ivermectin could do, began to “repurpose” it and use it on their COVID-19 patients with astonishing results. Then an April 3, 2020 articled stated that, “A new study has shown that an anti-parasitic drug already available around the world can kill the virus within 48 hours. Scientists found that a single dose of the drug, Ivermectin, could stop the SARS-CoV-2 virus growing in cell culture.” (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/04/200403115115.htm)

On December 8, 2020 Dr. Pierre Kory testified to the Senate Homeland Security committee on “Focus on Early Treatment of COVID-19” that “Ivermectin is highly safe, widely available, and low cost.” He further testified: “Nearly all studies are demonstrating the therapeutic potency and safety of ivermectin in preventing transmission and progression of illness in nearly all who take the drug”

As of May 16, 2021, 55 studies of patients in clinical trials have shown that ivermectin was effective in fighting COVID-19, 96% of the time in all of the trials and 100% in 36 of those trials. (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41429-021-00430-5 ) Yet the government still refused to endorse the drug. Why?

If this information about efficacy and safety of ivermectin ever got to the suffering and frightened public, those companies pandering their COVID-19 so-called vaccines under the EUA of the Food and Drug Administration would have a big problem. A criteria for continued authorization includes that there can be “…no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.” The FDA is effectively blocking therapies to help Big Pharma sell newly patented drugs to make huge profits at the expense of the health and safety of the American people.

The government’s top physician Dr. Deborah Birx (Fauci’s right-hand woman) admitted to CNN that “There were about 100,000 deaths that came from that original surge. All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially.” Incredibly, this top scientist was now saying that 517,000 of the alleged 617,000 deaths attributed to the “virus” were unnecessary (and maybe criminal)! Was she considering that ivermectin could have reduced those extra deaths?

(https://www.cnn.com/2021 /03/27/politics/covid-war-deaths-preventable/index.html


The effectiveness of ivermectin on COVID-19 is well documented among researchers and practicing doctors. The only remaining research question was what was the mechanism by which this “miracle drug” could do its work. Then on June 09, 2021 comes this bombshell: “Breakthrough: Ivermectin inhibits the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein from binding to ACE2 receptors in human tissue.” The article goes on to describe that ivermectin effectively inhibits viral attachment and replication. It can target the spike protein at the point where it enters the cell and blocks it from attaching to the human cell membrane. (https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-06-09-breakthrough-ivermectin-inhibits-sars-cov2-spike-protein-binding-ace2.html)

To understand the importance of ivermectin’s ability to block the SARS-Cov-2 spike protein from attaching to the human cell, let’s us bring to the witness stand an article published on April 30, 2021, in “Circulation Research”, which shows how the spike protein damages the vascular system and not just the lungs:

“A lot of people think of it as a respiratory disease, but it’s really a vascular disease,” says Assistant Research Professor Uri Manor, who is co-senior author of the study. “That could explain why some people have strokes, and why some people have issues in other parts of the body. The commonality between them is that they all have vascular underpinnings.”


This article further states that researchers showed that the spike protein attached itself to the cells and disrupted the molecular signals that control the ability of the cell to generate energy causing cells to starve to death. Previous studies have shown a similar effect when cells were exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but this is the first study to show that the damage occurs when cells are exposed to the “spike protein on its own.”

In a telephone interview with Dr. Velva Boles, a physician-scientist trained in microbiology and gene regulation, described how ivermectin may be able to protect you against spike proteins even those produced by “vaccines”. She explained “If the virus spike protein never attaches, then the virus cannot enter the cell. And the vaccine, if they get ivermectin and this protein tries to attach to the brain cell or the heart cell or the vessel, it should (but I don’t have the data), based on its current record, ivermectin should be a protecting agent from the attachment of the spike protein to other parts of the body. The evidence accumulated over a half a century with ivermectin shows its protective ability against infections from viral particles.”

So since the spike protein has now been shown be the most damaging part of the COVID-19 virus, why would vaccines be produced to make your body produce spike proteins? And since it has recently been discovered that ivermectin specifically attacks the spike protein, your government should be making it available to protect people against COVID-19. The government should promote Ivermectin to give hope to those who took the shots and now have “buyers remorse” and feel trapped into suffering from adverse effects of those shots.

We cannot wait to see what these “merchants of death” will come up with next. We must find a way to get everyone some ivermectin to effectively treat this “pestilence”. More than ever, we need to come together and make our plans to get out of here before the “merchants of death” kill all of us. Minister Farrakhan has warned us, “Separation or Death”.

COVID-19 Vaccines: The Drug Pushers’ Dream

COVID-19 Vaccines: The Drug Pushers’ Dream

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad, Nation of Islam Research Group 6/15/21

Why are Dr. Anthony Fauci and non-Dr. Bill Gates pushing vaccines so hard and completely dismissing known therapies or treatments for COVID-19? Minister Farrakhan addressed them directly in “The Criterion”:

“They’re making money now plotting to give seven billion five hundred million people a vaccination. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and Melinda, you want to depopulate the earth? What the hell gives you that right? Who are you to sit down with your billions and talk about who can live and who should die?”

Let’s go back a bit to understand the background leading up to the “Warp Speed” production of “vaccines” for an illness that has been shown to have many therapies and treatments to cure people of and protect them from COVID-19 and viruses like it.

  • In January 2017, the Pentagon (US Dept. of Defense) predicted a coronavirus epidemic for which America would be unprepared.
  • In December of 2017, America dropped the ban on genetic modifications of viruses, which allowed non-military labs to genetically modify viruses, like in China’s Wuhan province laboratory.
  • On August 12, 2019, the world was warned to be ready for ethnic-specific bioweapons.
  • In October of 2019, China surpassed America and became the greatest economy in the world.
  • On October 18, 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum (an international think tank of bankers) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201 which “modeled a fictional coronavirus pandemic…”

They said that this strangely prophetic event was “not a prediction,” but a lot of people dropped their stock portfolios, including the head of the Senate intelligence committee, Richard Burr. The “scenario” predicted that the pandemic would produce a worldwide recession. And though it was claimed to be a fantasy, CEOs of major corporations started quitting like never before, and appeared to be anticipating the stock market crash of February of 2020.

Among the seven major recommendations coming out of Event 201 was that governments would take control of social and traditional media to “combat mis- and disinformation” and to “flood media with fast, accurate, and consistent information.” And that is exactly what happened. There is an almost total censoring of social media of anyone speaking against the vaccines, and people are constantly bombarded about the “severity” of the “pandemic” and “the need” to take the so-called vaccines. They advised health authorities to employ “trusted community leaders such as faith leaders” to herd the masses to the vaccines.

So, why is Bill Gates so interested in vaccines? Profit, of course. Gates wants everyone to prove they took the vaccine by using a computer chip implanted in their bodies—technology he has patented.

Gates also demanded that governments indemnify drug companies against lawsuits, if officials expect them to come up with a vaccine for COVID-19 at Warp Speed. He got his wish in February of 2020. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked a 2005 law that empowers him to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, and that protection lasts until 2024.

That means for the next four years, these vaccine manufacturers cannot be sued for monetary damages over injuries caused by their COVID vaccines.

So Gates and the boys got their protection in February 2020 before many of us even knew there was a “pandemic.” A patent was granted to Gates’ Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC, on March 26, 2020, for technology that hooks us up to the cloud and takes our money electronically if we misbehave. That patent has an appropriately satanic number: WO/2020/060606. Read about it here: https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020060606

In common language, Microsoft will use your 5g smartphone to relay everything about your activities in real time and send it up to the “cloud.” If your “body activity data is verified”, i.e. if you behave the way “they” want you to, they will pay you in the new virtual money known as cryptocurrency, which will soon replace hard cash. Of course if you misbehave, they will take away your “cryptomoney,” all run by Bill Gates’ nameless, faceless computers.

Your body activity and even emotions will be tracked with a very small biosensor implanted in you via a shot possibly disguised as a vaccine. In 2016 a company named Profusa was contracted by the United States Army to develop implantable biosensors that can continuously monitor multiple body chemistries.

But there are also other technologies waiting on the shelves of these control freaks that go beyond simple monitoring. A 2016 article on the National Institute of Health’s website titled “Microchips in Medicine: Current and Future Applications” describes how implanted microchips can deliver drugs into your body, under the control of someone else.

Now, let’s see what the GMO scientists who produced one of the first so-called vaccines have in store for us. In the past, vaccines introduced a dead virus or bacteria into your body to prepare your body to recognize and fight the real infection if it ever tries to infect you. Now these new “vaccines” are not vaccines at all. They SNEAK past your immune system to get into your cells and make them produce what “they” desire. Moderna actually describes its mRNA technology as an “operating system” like on a computer. Their “software-like” gene therapy programs your cells to produce whatever protein the computer operators desire—very much like the implanted microchip we described above.

We have been given the impression by these vaccine pushers that this new so-called “messenger technology” has actually been in humans for several years but that is not the case. Many mRNA vaccines have gone through clinical trials in the past, but none of them met full FDA approval as of 2020.

The COVID-19 “pandemic profiteers”—Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson&Johnson and other companies—have manipulated the COVID fear to produce a lot of wealth for themselves. They have had these nano-technologies waiting on the shelf, but needed the right legal protections and public acquiescence to push their Matrix-like technologies on a mass scale. These nano-technologies can monitor you, deliver “medicines,” alter your DNA, alter your behavior or eliminate you when necessary—all controlled remotely by somebody you will never know or see. COVID-19 was their ticket to get inside you with their “operating systems,” and many of us have been suckered into their human guinea pig plot.

So here is your choice: accept the vaccines and a bar-code in your blood stream and be monitored and controlled by “them” like their slave, or don’t take them and be “segregated” out of their system: no shopping, no school, no travel, no restaurants, no jobs, no cash, no sports events or concerts. Minister Farrakhan has warned us: “Don’t take that shot.” “Separation or Death.” Which will you choose?


Trust Starts with Truth

Trust starts with Truth

by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad (Final draft) 5/20/21

Black people are not taking the COVID-19 vaccines like the government wants them to. Some attribute this to what they call “vaccine hesitancy”. This vaccine hesitancy is a result of the mistrust of Black people for their government and the medical profession due to a history of abuse. In other words the issue is “Trust”. However trust starts with truth.

The Atlanta chapter of the NAACP held a virtual town hall meeting on May 8, 2021 to address concerns that the Black community has about the COVID-19 vaccines. One of the major panelists for this virtual town hall meeting was Dr. Kizzmeka Corbett, Lead Scientist National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who has been intimately involved in the development of the Moderna vaccine.

We all remember at the beginning of the COVID-19 so-called Pandemic in March of 2020 we were constantly fed with the complete novelty of the Corona virus, but now we are being told by the experts, such as Dr. Kizzmeka Corbett, that COVID-19 is just the latest version of previous corona viruses that produced outbreaks in 2003 and 2013. In 2003 the outbreak was called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). In 2013 the outbreak was called Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). The mass media keeps us fed daily with how deadly this new Novel COVID-19 virus is. However, Dr. Corbett presented a different picture. She said, “MERS and SARS actually were more lethal in that their morbidity was around 30 to 40%. But it (COVID-19) is more pathogenic and what that means is that it has really the robust ability to transmit from person to person efficiently. That’s why you have a global pandemic and also it has the ability to replicate very efficiently inside of a person without dying out without some intervention from a therapy or vaccine.” She goes deeper by adding, “So MERS was one of those viruses, the reason why it didn’t turn into a pandemic was because it wasn’t efficient at getting from person to person, because the mortality rate was just so high. And the same with SARS, that would totally be devastating in the case of SARS COVID-2 which is the current virus, but yes MERS was absolutely more lethal than this particular virus by far.”

Remember she said that the mortality rate for MERS was 30 to 40%. However, the mortality rate of COVID-19 is 0.4%. You read that right. The COVID-19 killed 4 in 1,000 of all the people who caught the virus compared to 4 in 10 who contracted MERS. So it seems that COVID-19 was less deadly but more effective in spreading itself in humans. And that’s the reason they declared it a “worldwide pandemic.” Once they made this declaration the major pharmaceutical companies could then push these untested experimental drugs onto the public under the government’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). It gives these companies an easy way to get filthy rich with no legal risks. Anyone damaged by these alleged vaccines is out of luck. So far 200,000 people have suffered adverse reactions and at least 4,647 have died.

In the past, vaccines introduced a dead virus or bacteria into your body to introduce them to your immune system, so that it would fight the intruder when it sees it again. Now these new “vaccines” or RNA/DNA gene therapies SNEAK past your immune system to get into your cells and make them produce a piece of the virus, so that your immune system will attack the artificially infected cells: self fighting self. And if this process gets out of hand, these companies are immune from you harming them legally.

Let’s see how Moderna describes its Messenger RNA technology: https://www.modernatx.com/mrna-technology/mrna-platform-enabling-drug-discovery-development?fbclid=IwAR1jyVXKwgkJnP7PzyEqd-e0wibXY038Z0mJhK5qPpgj6MYyxGTPXmctBA0

“Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer…We need to get the mRNA into the targeted tissue and cells while evading the immune system. If the immune system is triggered, the resultant response may limit protein production and, thus, limit the therapeutic benefit of mRNA medicines. We also need ribosomes to think the mRNA was produced naturally, so they can accurately read the instructions to produce the right protein…Utilizing these instruction sets gives our investigational [experimental] mRNA medicines a software-like quality. We also have the ability to combine different mRNA sequences encoding for different proteins in a single mRNA investigational medicine.”

So this technology produces something like a “Trojan Horse” to evade our natural immune system and break into our cells to deliver instructions to our RNA to produce a foreign protein which will trigger our own T-cells to attack our now infected cells. However, Dr. Corbett goes on to assure us about this new mRNA (Messenger RNA) technology by stating, “Messenger technology which is deemed to be novel and new to the general public, but has actually been in humans for several years by way of other vaccines and other therapies, has always been deemed to be safe. On top of it there are now hundreds of millions of people around the globe that have gotten these vaccines and there are no indications of safety or efficacy issues.”

She uses the term “in humans” which would give the impression that they have been FDA approved and widely used outside of the laboratory and clinical trials. That is not the case:

“The Universal determinant for the coronavirus vaccine development has faded up as the SARS and MERS are no longer (extremely rare) seen after 2004 and 2013 epidemic outbreaks respectively…Till date various six coronaviruses are known to infect human, while no vaccine is approved against coronavirus disease.” (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7371592/)

Another article on the NIH.gov website states:

“Although COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are new, this type of vaccine has been studied in people before. mRNA vaccines against HIV, rabies, Zika and flu have been tested in phase 1 and phase 2 trials in people. The technology has also been used in clinical trials as a way to treat some cancers. Even though these products have not been licensed for use in people, these efforts provided important information about mRNA technology and its safety.”


Yes indeed many mRNA vaccines have gone through clinical trials in the past, but none of them met full FDA approval as of 2020. But after this COVID-19 pandemic, Moderna, Pfizer and other companies have developed so-called vaccines that have been fast tracked for “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) and given immunity from prosecution for any negative side effects including death during their experimental use. Therefore what we are experiencing is the continuation of trials on a mass scale where hundreds of millions of people are now the guinea pigs for this new method of “Gene Therapy” or “immunotherapy”, which its proponents are promoting as the “Software of Life.” The COVID-19 so-called Pandemic has produced a fast track to wealth for these companies claiming to produce a fast track to health.

So are we willing to give over complete control of our being to the “experimental scientists” of this world? But how can we trust them with our genes, when we can’t trust them to tell the truth? Are these new gene therapy technologies designed to cure us or make us more dependent on the Pharmaceutical industry? Many of the diseases that affect the Black community, like diabetes and obesity which are linked to co-morbidity that made COVID-19 so deadly in our communities, are caused by what we put in our mouths and not what may be in our genes. Therefore, the followers of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad choose a disciplined life following “How to Eat to Live”, instead of having faith in the scientists of this world, who want to experiment on our genes and chromosomes while they continue to drain our communities of our wealth.

COVID-19 Vaccines: Fast Track to Health or Wealth

COVID-19 Vaccines: Fast Track to Health or Wealth

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad, Nation of Islam Research Group (6/7/21)

So why would Fauci and Gates push vaccines so hard and completely dismiss other therapies or treatments for COVID-19? Just recently it has been revealed, from emails acquired through Freedom of Information requests, that Fauci and Gates have had extensive communications. But even before those revelations, Minister Farrakhan addressed them directly in “The Criterion”. He said:

“They’re making money now plotting to give seven billion five hundred million people a vaccination. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and Melinda, you want to depopulate the earth? What the hell gives you that right? Who are you to sit down with your billions and talk about who can live and who should die?”

Let’s go back a bit to understand the background leading up to the “Warp Speed” production of “vaccines” for a disease that has been shown to have many therapies and treatments to cure and protect people from COVID-19 and viruses like it. In January 2017 the Pentagon (US Dept. of Defense) predicted a coronavirus epidemic while America would be unprepared.

In December of 2017 America dropped the ban on genetic modifications of viruses, which effectively shielded Fort Detrick and other military laboratories from being detected in their nefarious activities, by allowing other non-military actors in to genetically modify viruses. On August 12, 2019, the world was warned to be ready for ethnic specific bioweapons.

Before the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan province in October of 2019, China had become the greatest economy in the world and America was not pleased. On October 18, 2019, in New York City, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum (an international think tank of bankers) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201. This “event” was to prepare the world for a pandemic by playing out different possible scenarios: “For the scenario, we modeled a fictional coronavirus pandemic, but we explicitly stated that it was not a prediction.”

They said it was “not a prediction”, but a lot of people dropped their stock portfolios, including the head of the Senate intelligence committee, Richard Burr. The “scenario” predicted that the pandemic would produce a worldwide recession. CEOs of major corporations who knew of such predictions started quitting like never before, right before the stock market crashed in February of 2020.

Event 201 produced 7 major recommendations in what it called “A Call to Action.” Among them were that governments should provide a fast-track for the production of vaccines, which in America was called “Warp Speed.” Governments would require that the private sector control not only social media to “combat mis- and disinformation” but all media outlets to “flood media with fast, accurate, and consistent information.” And that is exactly what happened from the outbreak of COVID-19 in America from February 2020 until today. There is an almost total censoring on social media of anyone speaking against the vaccines, and people are constantly reminded by all major media outlets about the “severity” of the “pandemic” and “the need” to take the so-called vaccines. After all this bombardment of Big Pharma’s side of the story, if there was still some vaccine hesitancy, they advised health authorities to employ “trusted community leaders such as faith leaders” (trusted voices) to herd the masses to the vaccines.

So, why is Bill Gates so interested in vaccines? Bill Gates, who was a major player in Event 201, said that people need to prove they took the vaccine by using an implant that would be monitored remotely. And guess who will provide the computer hardware and software for such monitoring?

Bill Gates also demanded that governments would have to indemnify drug companies against lawsuits, if officials expect them to come up with a vaccine for COVID-19 at Warp Speed. He got his wish in February of 2020:

“In February, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. This 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company. The protection lasts until 2024.

That means for the next four years, these companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries related to the administration or use of products to treat or protect against COVID.

So Gates and the boys got their protection in February 2020 before many of us even knew there was a “pandemic.” Gates’ Microsoft Technology Licensing, Llc had already applied for a patent on June 20, 2019, to hook you up to the cloud and to take money from you electronically for misbehavior. That patent was granted on March 26, 2020, under the patent publication number, WO/2020/060606 (notice the three 6s).

You can read the details of this patent at https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020060606. In common language, Microsoft will use your 5g smartphone to relay everything about your activities in real time and send it up to the “cloud.” If your “body activity data is verified”, i.e. if you behave the way they want you to, they will pay you in cryptocurrency. Of course if you misbehave, they will take away your “cryptomoney,” ushering in a “cashless society” run by computers.

Gates is not the first one to come up with such ideas of complete monitoring and social control attached to rewards and punishments. The Chinese Government announced in 2014 that they would be implementing a “social credit system” or “moral ranking system” to keep up with the activities of each of its citizens and reward or punish them according to specific government behavioral requirements.

The Chinese would deploy total electronic surveillance against each of her citizens. But China, welcome to America and the “New World Order,” where they will employ more sophisticated methods of surveillance due to the many breakthroughs in “biosensor implants.”  Your body activity and even emotions will be tracked with a very small biosensor implanted in you via a shot possibly disguised as a vaccine. In 2016 it was announced that:

“Profusa has been awarded a $7.5 million grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Army Research Office. The grant will be used toward efforts to develop implantable biosensors that can continuously monitor multiple body chemistries.

“The initial aim of the tech is to have continuous monitoring capabilities for combat soldiers’ health status with the end goal of improving mission efficiency. The grant also supports further development of the biosensor tech for real-time detection of a body’s chemical constituents.”

But there are also other technologies waiting on the shelves of these control freaks that go beyond simple monitoring. They have “drug delivery systems” available using extremely small implantable microchips. A 2016 article on the National Institute of Health’s website titled “Microchips in Medicine: Current and Future Applications” describes how microchips will be able to not only monitor your vital body statistics but autonomously deliver a “drug or molecules” via “multireservoir microchips” that can be autonomously and anomalously controlled.

Now, let’s see what the GMO scientists who produced one of the first so-called vaccines have in store for us. In the past, vaccines introduced a dead virus or bacteria into your body to introduce them to your immune system, so that it would fight the intruder when it sees it again. Now these new “vaccines” or RNA/DNA gene therapies SNEAK past your immune system to get into your cells and make them produce what “they” desire.

Let’s see how Moderna describes its messenger RNA technology:

“Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer…We need to get the mRNA into the targeted tissue and cells while evading the immune system. If the immune system is triggered, the resultant response may limit protein production and, thus, limit the therapeutic benefit of mRNA medicines. We also need ribosomes to thinkthe mRNA was produced naturally, so they can accurately read the instructions to produce the right protein…Utilizing these instruction sets gives our investigational [experimental] mRNA medicines a software-like quality. We also have the ability to combine different mRNA sequences encoding for different proteins in a single mRNA investigational medicine.”

So this technology produces something like a “Trojan Horse” to evade our natural immune system and break into our cells to deliver instructions to our RNA to encode for the production of different proteins in a single mRNA injection. We have been given the impression by these vaccine pushers that “messenger technology,” which is deemed to be novel and new to the general public, has actually been in humans for several years by way of other vaccines and other therapies. However, that is not the case. Yes indeed many mRNA vaccines have gone through clinical trials in the past, but none of them met full FDA approval as of 2020

But after this COVID-19 “pandemic,” Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson&Johnson and other companies have developed so-called vaccines that have been fast tracked for “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) and given immunity from prosecution for any negative side effects, including death, during their experimental use. The COVID-19 so-called Pandemic has produced a fast track to wealth for the very companies claiming to produce a fast track to health. 

They have had these nano-technologies waiting on the shelf, but needed the right legal protections and public acquiescence to spring their “Matrix” hookup shots. These nano-technologies can monitor you, deliver “medicines,” alter your DNA, alter your behavior or eliminate you when necessary—all controlled remotely by somebody you will never know or see. COVID-19 was their ticket to get inside you with their, as Moderna calls them, “operating systems.” Now a host of companies are developing so-called COVID-19 vaccines to get their portion of the 7 billion people plugged into their human-monitoring and -control systems.

So here is your choice: accept the vaccines and a bar-code in your blood and be monitored and controlled by “them” like they own you, or don’t take them and be “segregated” out of their system: no shopping, no school, no travel, no restaurants, no jobs, no cash, no sports events or concerts. Minister Farrakhan has warned us: “Don’t take that shot.” “Separation or Death.”

Hidden Therapies for COVID-19

The Hidden Therapies for COVID-19

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad (6/2/21)

The U.S. government and mass media are keeping the public blind to possible inexpensive treatments for COVID-19, while pushing vaccines like a drug-pusher promotes cocaine. We will first introduce you to proven treatments, then later go into the hidden agenda behind these so-called vaccines.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in his monumental July 4, 2020 presentation called “The Criterion” warned the people not to take these experimental vaccines for COVID-19, especially while there are potential therapies available. He said:

“I asked God to bring down the virus heavily on Florida because 90 miles from Florida our Cuban family, when the plague broke out in Wuhan, they went to Hubei province in Wuhan and with the Chinese they corrected it and drove it out of Wuhan. Don’t we need something that Cuba has? But you have an embargo on Cuba. …”

In a May 13, 2020 Reuters articled entitled “With Castro-era biotech, Cuba seeks to compete in coronavirus treatment race,” it was reported that:

“None of the nearly 3,000 healthcare workers who used interferon nose drops became infected with the novel coronavirus….They included more than 500 with high exposure to infected patients, the Chinese researchers said…The island nation says it has been successful in treating the novel coronavirus at home and in China, and that 80 countries have already expressed an interest in buying its interferon alpha 2b.”

[Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-cuba-drug/with-castro-era-biotech-cuba-seeks-to-compete-in-coronavirus-treatment-race-idUSKBN22P1HF]

In the meantime America continues to blockade Cuba, thereby depriving her citizens of proven therapies for COVID-19. So how has America, Cuba, China and other countries fared over the last year fighting this coronavirus, even before there were any so-called vaccines?

Below we have compared the deaths per 100,000 population between the U.S. and eight other so-call Third World countries. When you crunch the numbers, you find that the United States has registered 181 deaths per 100,000. And yet Cuba deaths per 100,000 are only eight. So, people in the U.S. are 22 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than are the Cubans. By this same measurement Chinese people are 517 times better off than Americans. This should be eye opening! How is it that COVID-19 broke out in China first, and way before there were any so-called vaccines China had broken the grip of this virus by asking Cuba for help with her interferon alpha 2b. Today China only has 4,636 COVID deaths for its entire population of 1.4 billion, and the U.S. now counts 601,000 deaths for its much smaller population of 330 million. Not only does America have the most racist history medical malpractice, but it has—by far–THE WORST RECORD OF COVID DEATHS ON PLANET EARTH.

What happened in the six African countries? Johns Hopkins University keeps a running count of mortality rates for 180 countries since the beginning of the COVID-19 “outbreak.” The data below was taken from their May 27, 2021 update.

CountryDEATHS/100K POP.How many times BETTER than the US?
United States180.95
Democratic Republic of the Congo0.181,005
Côte d’Ivoire1.18153

(Data source: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality?fbclid=IwAR0MJN1LOYgRljpWV03HtVvtL2gWfKGnYt6qM8I1TAf2nG_T1gacgRohXd0)

Early in the alleged “pandemic” former president Donald Trump promoted the use of hydroxychloroquine, a common anti-malaria drug, to treat Covid-19, saying: “There are some very strong, powerful signs” of its potential as a Covid-19 therapy. “I sure as hell think we ought to give it a try.” However, Trump was ridiculed for going against the established Fauci line that treatments and cures—no matter how effective—were not an option, and that the only solution was mass vaccination. The drug was dismissed and denigrated even though many doctors had used the drug with remarkable results. [Source: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/apr/06/coronavirus-cure-fact-check-hydroxychloroquine-trump]

Then, Trump himself was hospitalized with COVID19, but just four days later he emerged claiming he had been cured. He said:

“I know they call [these drugs] therapeutic, but to me it wasn’t therapeutic, it just made me better. I call that a cure….We have to get them approved, and I want to get them to the hospitals where people are feeling badly. That’s much more important to me than the vaccine…. I want everybody to be given the same treatment as your president because I feel great. I feel like perfect.” (transcript: https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-remarks-transcript-calls-contracting-covid-19-blessing-from-god-october-7)

Though this incredible presidential statement made on October 7, 2020—that there is in fact a CURE for COVID19—has been specifically suppressed by the media and the CDC, so they could continue to push vaccines, vaccines, and only vaccines.

However, the story about hydroxychloroquine does not end here. A December 23, 2020 article appeared in the “Malaria Journal” titled, “Malaria and COVID-19: unmasking their ties.” The researchers observed that the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 is relatively low in countries such as Mozambique, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Uganda, Côte d’ Ivoire, and Niger, countries that represent more than half of the global number of malaria cases. To fight malaria they have used a number of inexpensive and readily available drugs such as hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and these scientists confirmed that the wide use of these drugs “may have both preventive and curative effects against SARS-CoV-2 virus.”

[Source: https://malariajournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12936-020-03541-w]

A nd here is something else that Dr. Fauci and mainstream media do not want their terrified public to know. There is another cheap, widely used drug that has been now shown to be most effective against COVID-19—Ivermectin. On December 8, 2020 Dr. Pierre Kory testified to the Senate Homeland Security committee on “Focus on Early Treatment of COVID-19” that “Ivermectin is highly safe, widely available, and low cost. Its discovery was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine, and is already included on the WHO’s ‘World’s List of Essential Medicines.’” Dr. Kory went on to testify:

“Nearly all studies are demonstrating the therapeutic potency and safety of ivermectin in preventing transmission and progression of illness in nearly all who take the drug…We now have data from over 20 well-designed clinical studies, ten of them randomized, controlled trials, with every study consistently reporting large magnitude and statistically significant benefits in decreasing transmission rates, shortening recovery times, decreasing hospitalizations, or large reductions in deaths.”

He went on to describe the benefits that were achieved in Peru and Mexico after deploying mass ivermectin treatments between August and October of 2020. These benefits were so compelling that recently Mexico City implemented a similar program, that resulted in an incredible 52–76 percent reduction in hospitalizations.

[Source: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/after-mexico-city-introduced-ivermectin-plan-covid-hospitalizations-and-deaths-disappeared]

Dr. Death, Anthony Fauci, has amassed the worst COVID19 death record on planet earth.

Have you heard about what just happened in Mexico City? Why not? This is just another example of how Fauci and the mass media are purposely withholding proven treatments and cures for COVID-19 to herd the people into taking Big Pharma’s untested so-called vaccines, which according to the CDC’s own database are now responsible for the deaths of nearly 5,000 Americans.

In the second part of this article we will go into who is pushing these so-called vaccines and why.

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