Lies to drive people to the COVID-19 Vaccines

Lies to drive people to the COVID-19 Vaccines Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min (Final draft 6/23/21) We are constantly bombarded by the government and media that Black people should take these so-called vaccines, because America “cares about Black people”. According to CDC...

COVID-19 Vaccines: The Drug Pushers’ Dream

COVID-19 Vaccines: The Drug Pushers’ Dream By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad, Nation of Islam Research Group 6/15/21 Why are Dr. Anthony Fauci and non-Dr. Bill Gates pushing vaccines so hard and completely dismissing known therapies or treatments for COVID-19?...

Trust Starts with Truth

Trust starts with Truth by Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad (Final draft) 5/20/21 Black people are not taking the COVID-19 vaccines like the government wants them to. Some attribute this to what they call “vaccine hesitancy”. This vaccine hesitancy is a result of the...